Updates:]Hello! After much consideration(actually littel.. LOL), I had decided to drop Iluma and work on something new..My aim is to do something that is iconic to Singapore. Some of the ideas that I had considered were Merlion, esplanade, supreme court and duck tour. However, most of these building or tourist traps have existing logo, which i do not wish to be influence by.
After flipping thru pages and pages of photos, i decided on river cruise, bumboat. Simply because there is no logo on it yet, and it has an iconic body, the fish head, which i can work on to create the logo:] Here are some of my research!

Side track a little, I came across this heartwarming photo too:

Ok, back to topic, I decided to use bumboat and managed to sketch out the bumboat using few photos that i had found online.

The changes in 3 and 4 were quite little.. perhaps i shoud have removed the tyres as well.. oh well :[
While i recommend 4 for the direction sign used, I believe that the 5th one can be developed into a logo that companies can adopt. Ha.. What do you guys thing?
Anyway, here is the possible location for placing the direction. Ha.. The boat shape and the fish head should be able to help tourist associate the logo with the river cruise.

Previous Draft
In my own opinion, I believed I have failed for this assignment. The first mistake was misinterpretation of the assignment. For this assignment, we were asked to create a pictogram for a local site, not pictogram of a local site :[
For this project, Iluma will be the building I'll be working on. The pictogram selected will be used as a direction signage for Iluma and it will be located at the Bugis MRT Station.
A little about Iluma:
Designed by WOHA Architect, the crystal mesh facade of the mall plays with lights and illumination. The theme was inspired by the proximity to art institutions (NAFA and Lasalle) and the mall pitch itself to be a supporter of the art scene in Singapore. Here's a video I have found online about Iluma. Observe the emphasis of the use of lights.
Original photo that I'll be working on.
And, here is the Pictogram I have created.
The greatest challenges was to include the mesh of crystal hexagon in the pictogram. If you take a close observation of the hexagon, they are not of the same size and odd shape polygon exist in between the crystal hexagon. Hence, instead of replicating the exact mesh, I created a beehive mesh and adjusted it on Iluma using transformation wrap tool.

Peers comments:
- Further improve on simiplication
- Zoom in to the essence of Iluma, the hexagon
- Adopt the most simplified version for the signage but include the mesh of hexagon
My comments
- improve on the colour and outlining
- improve on the first few pictogram by adding more shadings
- focus on iconic hexagon shape

- to scrape the whole thing and come up with something new
Currently working on the zoom in portion of Iluma; illuminated hexagon. looks bleak. Will post it up by this weekend.